How to Optimize Your Resume for ATS
If you apply for a job online, there’s a high chance that your resume will go through ATS, or applicant tracking software. ATS scans resumes for certain keywords and phrases and uses that information to send the most qualified candidates on to the hiring team.
This type of software is used by large companies that expect to receive hundreds of applications. Over 90% of Fortune 500 companies use ATS.
Additionally, smaller-sized companies are starting to use ATS . This makes it highly likely that your job application will go through this pre-screening software.
When using ATS, around 75% of resumes will be rejected and never seen by the hiring managers. Therefore, you must optimize your resume for ATS. Optimizing your resume for ATS is done by incorporating keywords and formatting the resume in a way that’s readable to the software.
Read on to learn more about how to optimize your resume to get past applicant tracking software.
What is ATS?
Applicant Tracking Software (ATS) is a type of computerized resume software that scans applicant resumes and ranks applicants based on which it perceives are best for the job.
Using ATS allows companies to easily and quickly pick out the most qualified candidates.
To do this, hiring companies will input the keywords and phrases that they want applicants to be using. This is what the ATS will use to help sort and rank resumes.
Those candidates using the most keywords will generally be ranked highest. ATS can also get an estimate of the amount of time each candidate has been using the skill, again ranking those with the most experience nearer the top of the pile.
The hiring company will select the best candidates to move on to the next steps. For example, those that rank in the top 20% of the ATS’ rankings.
90% of Fortune 500 companies used ATS in the hiring process and 75% of resumes get rejected.
Being an algorithm-based computerized software, you will need to optimize your resume for ATS to ensure the software reads your application correctly and ranks you highly as a candidate.
To do this, you need to think about elements such as keyword usage, formatting, and file type.
If you don’t optimize your resume for ATS, your application could be discarded before reaching the recruiters even though you’re highly qualified for the role.
Want some tips on making your resume stand out? Check out our 20 tips to give your resume a boost!
Ways to Optimize Your Resume for ATS
The following are the main ways in which you can optimize your resume for ATS to ensure you move on to the next steps in the hiring process.
Only Apply for Roles You’re Qualified For
As mentioned, ATS is used to find the most qualified candidates and remove those that are not experienced enough for the role. Therefore, applying only to jobs you’re actually qualified for is the first step in getting past applicant tracking software.
This doesn’t necessarily mean you have to meet every requirement in the job description. However, you should meet 70-90% of the requirements and possess the majority of core skills requested.
Create Custom Resumes for Each Job
Along with only applying for roles you’re qualified for, create a custom resume for each position you apply to. This is highly important for resumes going through ATS but should be done even if you know the resume is going straight to a recruiter.
Include Keywords from the Job Description
At the most basic level, applicant tracking software reads and ranks resumes based on particular keywords or phrases being mentioned. These keywords will be set by the hiring team and will be based on what is requested in the job description.
Therefore, to optimize your resume for ATS, you should include as many keywords as possible from the job description. These keywords will be related to the skills, experience, and qualifications needed to do the job.
Of course, only include keywords that are relevant to you (skills you actually possess) and fit them into your resume as organically as possible.
Finding the Required Keywords
The keywords to use should be quite obvious, but you can always run the job description through online software such as Targeted Resume. This type of software will generate a list of keywords that it thinks the applicant tracking software will be looking for.
Some ATS will be able to pick-up synonyms of keywords but the majority won’t. Therefore, try to include the words and phrases exactly as they are written in the job description.
To optimize you resume for ATS, you need to include as many keywords from the job description as possible.
Put the Keywords in Context
Along with only including keywords in your resume that relate to your skills, experience, and qualifications, you’ll also want to put them in context.
Explain where you used the skills or gained the experience, the situation around that, and the results you achieved. Use numbers or metrics where possible too.
Remember, getting past the ATS is just the first step. Your resume will then be in the hands of real people who will want context around the keywords, not just long lists of skills and qualifications.
Keyword Frequency
Do think about how many times to use each keyword. You’ll want to mention keywords that are most important to the job the most.
Also, look for keywords that have been mentioned multiple times in the job description and make sure you use them multiple times too.
Don’t Keyword Stuff
While keywords are crucial to getting past ATS, don’t cram your resume full of keywords just to include them. Try not to overly use one keyword at the expense of others or try to fit every keyword in without much context.
Avoid Abbreviations
Instead of using abbreviations alone, write out the full term and then put the abbreviated term in brackets next to it. For example: “I’m experienced in using Content Management Software (CMS)”.
In doing this, you ensure that whether the full or abbreviated term (or both) is on the ATS’s keyword list, it will be picked up in your resume.
Include Dates
Try to list as many keywords as possible under dated headings as opposed to under a “Skills” heading without dates. For example, list keywords in the work experience section under a job title with the dates you held that position.
This is because ATS will pick up on dates each keyword is associated with to determine how long you’ve had experience with that skill.
If you place keywords under headings without dates, ATS assigns a standard time period. This is usually six months.
Use ATS-Friendly Formatting
When trying to optimize your resume for ATS, you also need to format it to be read correctly by the software.
Formatting your resume for ATS is relatively easy but will mean ditching custom resumes and resume templates in place of a more basic, readable design.
To do this, avoid using columns. For example, don’t have one column on the left side of your resume with a list of skills and qualifications, and a column on the right side with work experience. ATS will merge this all into one column resulting in incoherent sentences that are a combination of your skills list and experience.
Make use of ATS-friendly formatting that avoids columns, images, and other graphic elements.
You’ll also want to stick to using a Chronological or Combination resume format, which will be organized in the following way from top to bottom:
Contact info
Professional summary
Skills and qualifications overview
Relevant work experience in reverse chronological order
Education (unless you’re applying for an entry-level role, then put education before work experience)
If appropriate, you can add a personal interests section. For example, if a sports-based company's job description asks for someone with a love of sports, mention that in this section to use the keyword.
Make sure you use common headings, such as “Work Experience”, “Education”, and “Skills and Qualifications”.
Additionally, write out months and years relating to time in positions as they’re more easily read and understood by ATS. For example, “October 2019 - November 2020” instead of “10/2019 - 11/2020”.
Headers and Footers
Be careful when using headers and footers, especially if displaying important information. Not all ATS can read information placed in headers and footers. For example, many applicants will put their contact information in the header. However, this won’t be read by the software.
Don’t Use Graphics
Applicant tracking software will also not understand graphics or display them correctly. Graphics to avoid include images, charts, tables, and logos.
Also, avoid adding lines, borders, or other graphic elements of that nature, which are often used to split up different resume sections. Instead, use headings to separate sections of text.
The same goes for bullet points. Use only basic options such as a solid circle or square. “Fancier” bullet points can be seen as graphics and will alter the way text is displayed.
While you may think that these elements help organize your resume and make it appealing to the eye, ATS will distort this content. The software will then not correctly understand what is being said, which will likely down-rank your application.
ATS will also pass this distorted resume on to the hiring team if you successfully pass the ATS requirements.
Use ATS-Friendly File Formats
Your resume should be either in doc. format or PDF format. Many applicants opt for PDF format as PDF files are less likely to be altered when opened on other devices. However, doc. files are more compatible with applicant tracking software.
Of course, always read the job description instructions as some companies will request a certain file format. If not asked for a specific format, opt for doc. files as these will definitely be read by ATS.
While you may be worried about your resume’s formatting being changed, there is a higher chance of PDF, or other file formats, being jumbled when run through ATS.
Also, be wary of using online templates as they may not be in doc. or PDF format. If you use a template and it’s not in those formats, make sure the document is converted before sending your application.
It’s important to save your resume in Doc. or PDF format as other file formats aren’t compatible with ATS.
Don’t Apply for Multiple Jobs at One Company
If there are two very similar roles open at a company, apply to both if you’re qualified and interested in both. But don’t apply to every open role or every open role in one department.
This practice can be picked up on through applicant tracking software and makes it seem like you aren’t aware of your career level or what you’re qualified for or interested in.
If applying to two similar roles that you’re well qualified for, make sure you tailor your resume, cover letter, and any other application components to each job.
Don’t Attempt to Trick Applicant Tracking Software
Applicant tracking software is not new, and many applicants are aware that their resume will be run through this type of program. This has led to many applicants attempting to cheat the system.
One common way this is done is by adding keywords in white font color. Some even repost the job description in a small font and all white.
Unfortunately for those applicants, this practice will be picked up on. One reason for that is because ATS will alter resumes into a format they can read, which includes turning all text to black. It will then send that format on to recruiters.
Therefore, the white text may get you past the ATS but it will be seen by the recruiters when they receive your resume. This will result in your application being thrown out even if you’re actually well qualified.
Checking if Your Resume is Ready for ATS
To check how your resume will look once it has been run through ATS, simply copy/paste the content into a plain text document. If things look different, then adjust your original document until both look the same.
You can additionally run your resume through online tools to check for formatting, such as Resume Worded’s Resume Scanner tool. These can often also pull out the keywords that it thinks ATS will pick up on.
Some tools may even offer information such as how strong they think you are in areas (for example, what your strongest skills are) and how long you have been using certain skills.
If keywords are not picked up on and/or your abilities are not shown correctly, adjust the keywords used as well as their frequency of use, and placement.
In Conclusion
The number of companies using applicant tracking software in the hiring process is increasing, Therefore, learning how to optimize your resume for ATS is crucial if you want to move on to the next steps in the hiring process.
However, by following our tips, you can easily get your resume ready to pass through applicant tracking software and into the hands of the hiring team.
If you need help with your job search, contact our team at Lynne Palmer Executive Recruitment. We have over 60 years of experience helping professionals with their career moves in the publishing and medical communication industries.